RC Tech Air-Filter Oil

Air-Filter Oil

Available in 150 ml aerosol and
in a set with the RC Tech Air Filter cleaner


RC Tech 'Air-filter oil' was developed in cooperation with engine and air filter manufacturers to protect your model engine against moisture and soil without losing precious HPs. Instructions: Spray evenly at a short distance on the outside and inside of your cleaned filter. See to it that all parts of the filter are well covered.


RC Tech空氣過濾器專用油

提供150毫升壓縮氣體樽裝及連同RC Tech空氣過濾器清潔劑以套裝發售

RC Tech空氣過濾器專用油是與發動機和空氣過濾器製造商合作開發,以防止水分和沙泥塵埃保護模型引擎,避免失去寶貴的馬力。



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