RC Tech Pipe Protect


Available in 400 ml

RC Tech Pipe Protect protects your exhaust against oil and rubber deposit while racing. A clean exhaust gives better resonance, which means better performance from your engine. Thanks to RC Tech Pipe Protect your exhaust system can evacuate the temperature better.

Direction of use

Spray a relatively thick layer of Pipe Protect from a close distance; +/- 15/20 cm on your new or just-cleaned and preferably polished exhaust pipe. After each ride clean the exhaust pipe with a clean cloth, if necessary slightly sprayed with some Pipe Protect. Treat the exhaust pipe again before each race.



RC Tech排氣管保護劑


RC Tech排氣管保護劑可保護排氣管在比賽期間避免沾上油污及其他塵埃,一套乾淨的排氣系統能夠提供更好的配合,這意味著令發動機的性能表現更好。由於RC Tech排氣管保護劑保護您的排氣系統,所以有更好的散熱能力。




大約在+/ - 15/20厘米距離對全新或剛剛清理和拋光的排氣管噴上一厚厚的保護層,每次行走後用乾淨的布清潔排氣管,如果有必要稍微噴一些排氣管保護劑。每場比賽前,再次進行以上動作。

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